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Professional Development Skills

3 results - showing 1 - 3

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Journal/Author Estimator
Submitted by vnembaware -

Journal/Author Name Estimator (Jane) allows one to predict the best journal for their draft manuscript. One can submit a title or abstract.

Software Carpentry instructor training
Submitted by -

"We offer a free online training course for people who would like to teach Software Carpentry, and to learn more about teaching in general along the way. The course takes 2-4 hours a week for 12-14 weeks (depending on interruptions); most work is done on trainees' own time, and is posted to the course blog. While we would like to help everyone learn how to teach programming, space in theā€¦

Submitted by vnembaware -

Figshare was started by a PhD student from Imperial College as a means of disseminating research outputs. Research outputs shared via Figshare can be in any electronic formant and are citable and discoverable by other researchers. Shared research outputs can be figure, datasets, media, papers, posters, presentations and file sets.