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Online courses

193 (1) 195 (4) 196 (4) 198 (2) 201 (3)

30 results - showing 11 - 20

Material type: Videos
Course Level: Basic
Submitted by Mr Jean Safari -

Basic introduction to statistics


Material type: Videos
Course Level: Basic
Submitted by Mr Jean Safari -

Series of 30 lectures on basic biology

Human Behavioural Physiology

Material type: Videos
Course Level: Basic
Submitted by Mr Jean Safari -

Basics in molecular biology with about 36 lectures. Important to note that there are several lectures which seem irrelevant to bioinformatics but relevant nonetheless


Material type: Videos
Course Level: Basic
Submitted by Mr Jean Safari -

Basics in biomolecules, course covers proteins, carbohydrates and other structures. There are 19 lectures to view.

General Biochemistry

Material type: Videos
Course Level: Basic
Submitted by Mr Jean Safari -

Basics in biochemistry

Informatics for RNA-sequence Analysis (2013)

Material type: Videos , Lectures , Notes
Course Level: Basic
Submitted by Mr Jean Safari -

Introduction to RNA-seq data analysis with tutorials using some of the commonly used tools for RNA-seq data analysis

Pathway and Network Analysis of -omics Data (2013)

Material type: Videos , Lectures , Notes
Course Level: Basic
Submitted by Mr Jean Safari -

Examination of the bioinformatics concepts and tools available for annotating and determining functional enrichment of gene lists and analysing networks

Flow Cytometry Data Analysis using R (2013)

Material type: Videos , Lectures , Notes
Course Level: Basic
Submitted by Mr Jean Safari -

Course introduces the use of R software to analyse and visualise Flow Cytometry (FCM) data.

Microarray Data Analysis (2013)

Material type: Videos , Lectures , Notes
Course Level: Basic
Submitted by Mr Jean Safari -

Methods and analysis workflows for analysing gene expression microarray datasets including discussion of concepts such as data-organisation practices, data annotation, normalisation, pre-processing and downstream analysis.

Informatics and Statistics for Metabolomics (2013)

Material type: Videos , Lectures , Notes
Course Level: Basic
Submitted by Mr Jean Safari -

Introduction to metabolimics addressing a range of topics including metabolomics technologies, data collection and analysis, statistical approaches and working with metabolomic databases.