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Online courses

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90 results - showing 41 - 50
Informatics and Statistics for Metabolomics (2013)

Material type: Videos , Lectures , Notes
Course Level: Basic
Submitted by Mr Jean Safari -
Submitter description:
Introduction to metabolimics addressing a range of topics including metabolomics technologies, data collection and analysis, statistical approaches and working with metabolomic databases.

Introduction to Algorithms (2011)

Material type: Assignments , Exams , Solutions , Videos
Course Level: Intermediate
Submitted by Mr Jean Safari -
Submitter description:
Introduction to mathematical modeling of computational problems with a focus on algorithms, algorithm paradigms and data structures used to solve these problems

Machine Learning
Learn Genomics Analysis

Material type: Tutorial
Course Level: Basic , Intermediate , Advanced
Submitted by Mr Jean Safari -
Submitter description:
Set of tutorials for analysing NGS data from various types of experiments. Each tutorial includes some theoretical aspects as well as a practical workflow for analysing a sample dataset using Galaxy. A dedicated Galaxy webserver has been set up for running the tutorials.

Next Generation Sequencing Technologies (2010)

Material type:
Course Level: Basic
Submitted by Mr Jean Safari -
Submitter description:
Youtube webinar

Next Generation Sequencing Technologies –Elaine Mardi (2012)

Material type:
Course Level: Basic
Submitted by Mr Jean Safari -
Submitter description:
Youtube webinar

Biological sequence analysis I (2010)

Material type:
Course Level: Basic
Submitted by Mr Jean Safari -
Submitter description:
Youtube webinar

Biological sequence analysis I (Andy Braxevanis 2012)

Material type:
Course Level: Basic
Submitted by Mr Jean Safari -
Submitter description:
Youtube webinar

Biological sequence analysis II (Andy Braxevanis 2012)

Material type:
Course Level: Basic
Submitted by Mr Jean Safari -
Submitter description:
Youtube webinar

Introduction to population genetics (2010)

Material type:
Course Level: Basic
Submitted by Mr Jean Safari -
Submitter description:
Youtube webinar

Introduction to population genetics –Lynn Jorde (2012)

Material type:
Course Level: Basic
Submitted by Mr Jean Safari -
Submitter description:
Youtube webinar